What is the winter energy payment, and who can get it?

May 17, 2023
The days are getting shorter and the temperature is dropping – winter is nearly here! For many kiwis, winter means higher energy bills, as we rely on heaters to help keep us warm and comfortable.
With rising electricity costs in New Zealand, winter can be an especially challenging time for many kiwis.
To help support families, the Government introduced the Winter Energy Payment in 2017, to help with the cost of heating homes during winter. Around 1 million kiwis will receive the Winter Energy Payment this year.
In this blog we answer some common questions about the Winter Energy Payment.
Who can get the Winter Energy Payment?
You can get the Winter Energy Payment if you’re receiving either:
- New Zealand Superannuation
- Veteran’s Pension
- Emergency Maintenance Allowance
- Jobseeker Support
- Jobseeker Support Student Hardship
- Sole Parent Support
- Supported Living Payment
- Youth Payment
- Young Parent Payment
- Emergency Benefit
You can’t receive the payment if you’re receiving Residential Care Subsidy or Residential Support Subsidy.
How much is the Winter Energy Payment?
If you’re eligible for the payment you can receive:
· $20.46 a week if you’re single with no dependent children
· $31.82 a week if you have a partner or dependent children
When is the payment made?
The Winter Energy Payment is paid weekly from 1 May until 31 October. You can’t request for it to be paid in one lump sum.
How do you apply?
You don’t need to apply to get the payment. If you’re eligible, it will be paid to you automatically.
Do I need to pay it back?
No, you don’t need to repay the Winter Energy Payment. It isn’t considered income either, which means you don’t have to pay tax on it, and it doesn’t affect any other payments you receive.
How can I find out more information?
For more information on the Winter Energy Payment, visit the Work and Income New Zealand website.
For support and advice on managing your finances, visit Money Talks, or call 0800 345 123 to speak to a trained financial mentor.
We know winter can be a tough time for many kiwi families, with the rising cost of power, food, petrol and rent. RoomMate cabins are fully insulated to NZ residential standards, which means they are warm and dry in winter, and efficient to heat.
If you’re looking for an affordable way to put a roof over your head this winter, check out our portable cabins for hire in Auckland and across NZ. Want to rent a cabin? Find your nearest RoomMate cabin supplier.