Portable cabins are a cost-effective solution for students

Aug 15, 2019
The cost of studying is getting extremely expensive these days. Accommodation is one of the costs that adds to the burden for students. With rental properties skyrocketing in price, renting a cabin is a much more cost-effective option for students.
RoomMate portable cabins save money
The money saved in rental costs can go towards other life essentials. Saving money on rent could reduce the hours you have to work to meet your living costs, giving you more time to focus on your studies, or on relaxation. It also means that your student debt wont be as high.
A cabin can be delivered to your location, leveled on the section, attached to the house power supply – all ready for you to move in. It really is that easy to get a cabin at your place.
Our cabins give you your own space!
RoomMate Cabins are cosy and warm, making them a healthy accommodation option. The cabin is a separate place where you can study in peace and quiet and have your own independence – free to come and go without disturbing other members of the household.
We know that students study in major cities, smaller towns, rural areas – by correspondence, online and on campus – which is why it’s handy that we deliver to all over New Zealand.
Check out our video below and see how a RoomMate Cabin was life-changing for this student.